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Find Summer Meals Flyers

Flyers in English and Spanish (on second page) to help families find summer sites in their communities. Flyers can be ordered in bulk from New York State Education Department—email us for details! If you are interested in flyers customized with your site’s info, please email us.

Sample Language and Graphics

Sample language and graphics to use for social media, texts, emails, and other communications.

Recruit More Meal Sites

Use this flyer to recruit more summer meals sites in your community.

Resources from Our Partners

We can help

We can provide you with resources, data, and best-practices to improve participation in the Summer Food Service Program. We provide tailored one-on-one assistance to schools, community organizations and other youth services providers to maximize access to summer meals. We can:

  • Help coordinate sites and sponsors in local communities
  • Provide local and state-level data about SFSP
  • Help you promote awareness of summer meals sites in your area and across NYS.

Contact Cody Bloomfield, Afterschool & Summer Meals Specialist, for assistance.

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