Once the school year ends, summer meals begin!

Summer Meals NY
2025 Summer Meals sites will be available starting in late June!
Find Summer Meals Near You:
- Text “food” to 304-304
- Use the map below
- Call 1-866-3-HUNGRY
Kids and teens ages 18 and under can get free, healthy meals at nearby places like parks, community centers and libraries. Meals vary, but all include healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, grains and protein. Many sites offer fun activities, too. There is no need to sign up. Just show up!
Use this map to find Summer Meals near you
- Enter an address or zip code into the search bar in the upper right of the map.
- Click on any result to show more information about the site, like the address and hours meals are served.
- Blue circles are traditional summer meals sites where kids eat on site.
- Orange squares are sites in rural areas that offer grab-and-go meals.
This map is created and administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A full-screen version is available here.
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