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SNAP helps children and families.

Many families struggle to afford enough food, and hunger is a persistent reality for kids. SNAP provides monthly benefits that eligible families can use to buy food at grocery stores, farmers markets, and online at Amazon, Walmart, Shop Rite, and other locations.

As trusted members of the community, schools and community partners can inform families about assistance available to relieve food insecurity and increase their health and wellbeing.

Our SNAP toolkit and online eligibility prescreening tool

Our toolkit helps you connect eligible families to SNAP. The materials provide information about SNAP, and refer families to the online SNAP eligibility prescreening tool: families answer just 8 questions and are told if they are likely eligible for SNAP, likely ineligible, or if more information is needed. They are also told how to apply for SNAP on the NYS MyBenefits.NY.Gov website. We can help families complete and submit their applications.

Schools & SNAP

Increased SNAP participation among eligible students:

  • Reduces the need for school meal applications through direct certification.
  • Improves a school’s ability to adopt the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) to provide free school meals to all students.
  • Increases a school’s percentage of students eligible for free meals, which increases federal reimbursement revenue and may enable schools to participate in other programs, like summer and afterschool meals.

Toolkit Materials

Sample social media graphics and messages—includes Spanish translations
Download for sample messages and images to post on your social media channels

Sample language for communications—includes Spanish translations
Use in newsletters, emails, website, or other communications.

Flyer for Families: Half sheet or Full sheet
Spanish: Half sheet or Full sheet
Include this with meals sent home to families or use it in online communications with families.

For libraries: sample outreach language —includes Spanish translations
Language for libraries to use in library newsletters, emails, websites, social media pages, or other communications with families.

Button Graphic

Use this button graphic on your website, newsletters, or emails. Link to our online eligibility prescreening tool:

Right click and save the image.

Our SNAP Eligibility Prescreening Tool

Families can use this simple tool to see if they may be eligible for SNAP.

Visit the eligibility tool page


For more information or questions, please email Daniel Vaughan-Cherubin.

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