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References for “School Breakfast Unlocks Academic Potential: Superintendents Hold the Key to Access”, March 2024


  1. Olarte DA, Tsai MM, Chapman L, Hager ER, Cohen JFW. Alternative School Breakfast Service Models and Associations with Breakfast Participation, Diet Quality, Body Mass Index, Attendance, Behavior, and Academic Performance: A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2023; 15(13):2951.
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  5. Schanzenbach, D.W.; Zaki, M. Expanding the School Breakfast Program: Impacts on Children’s Consumption, Nutrition and Health; National Bureau of Economic Research: Cambridge, MA, USA, 2014.
  6. Murphy JM, Pagano ME, Nachmani J, Sperling P, Kane S, Kleinman RE. The Relationship of School Breakfast to Psychosocial and Academic Functioning: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Observations in an Inner-city School Sample. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1998;152(9):899–907.
  7. Imberman, S.A. and Kugler, A.D. (2014), The Effect of Providing Breakfast in Class on Student Performance. J. Pol. Anal. Manage., 33: 669-699.
  8. Judith S Bartfeld, Lawrence Berger, Fei Men, Yiyu Chen, Access to the School Breakfast Program Is Associated with Higher Attendance and Test Scores among Elementary School Students, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 149, Issue 2,2019, Pages 336-343,ISSN 0022-3166,
  9. Rabbitt, M.P., Hales, L.J., Burke, M.P., & Coleman-Jensen, A. (2023). Household Food Security in the United States in 2022 (Report No. ERR-325), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Accessed from:
  10. Shankar P, Chung R, Frank DA. Association of Food Insecurity with Children’s Behavioral, Emotional, and Academic Outcomes: A Systematic Review. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2017 Feb/Mar;38(2):135-150. DOI: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000383
  11. Judith S. Bartfeld, Hong-Min Ahn, The School Breakfast Program Strengthens Household Food Security among Low-Income Households with Elementary School Children1,2, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 141, Issue 3, 2011,Pages 470-475,ISSN 0022-3166.
  12. Fletcher JM, Frisvold DE. The Relationship between the School Breakfast Program and Food Insecurity. J Consum Aff. 2017 Fall;51(3):481-500. doi: 10.1111/joca.12163. Epub 2017 Sep 27. PMID: 30008484; PMCID: PMC6040671.
  13. Basch CE. Breakfast and the achievement gap among urban minority youth. J Sch Health. 2011 Oct;81(10):635-40. doi: 10.1111/j.1746-1561.2011.00638.x PMID: 21923876.
  14. Seth Gershenson, Alison Jacknowitz, Andrew Brannegan; Are Student Absences Worth the Worry in U.S. Primary Schools?. Education Finance and Policy 2017; 12 (2): 137–165. doi:
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  20. Rainville, Alice Jo; King, Amber D.; Nettles, Mary FranceS. Effectiveness of Breakfast in the Classroom in Five Exemplary Districts. Journal of Child Nutrition & Managemen. 2013; 37(1).Accessed from: