The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps 2.8 million New Yorkers, including 851,000 children, put food on the table. SNAP is our nation’s most powerful anti-hunger program. It improves food security, reduces poverty, and leads to better health outcomes, especially among children.
Since 1987 Hunger Solutions New York has managed the Nutrition Outreach and Education Program (NOEP) through a contract with the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance to reduce hunger and maximize the reach of SNAP. NOEP staff are expertly trained by Hunger Solutions New York on SNAP policies and regulations. This expertise helps program staff provide community-based outreach, education, and one-on-one application assistance to help potentially eligible New Yorkers apply for SNAP. NOEP staff work closely with potentially eligible individuals to ensure complete and accurate applications, resolve barriers, and help households receive the maximum benefit for which they are eligible.
This year, NOEP connected 163,564 New Yorkers to SNAP education and outreach, conducted 66,985 SNAP eligibility prescreens, and helped 32,506 households successfully apply for SNAP and get the food they need.
NOEP continues to make a positive impact in the lives of food-insecure New Yorkers, helping to connect them with essential support to put food on the table. In the last year, NOEP connected 163,564 New Yorkers to SNAP education and outreach, conducted 66,985 eligibility prescreens, and helped 32,506 households successfully apply for SNAP and start receiving benefits. Without the education and support NOEP provides, many of these households would lack awareness of their SNAP eligibility or encounter barriers that would prevent them from getting the food they need.
NOEP also provides referrals to community programs to connect families and individuals with additional resources. These can include health care resources, employment and job training, food pantries, and other food assistance programs, such as WIC and the Summer Meal Program. This year, NOEP made 77,343 referrals to community resources to help make sure that people did not leave without hope.
NOEP Outreach Campaigns for 2022-23
NOEP Targets and Achievements

Referrals to Other Community Resources

Hunger Solutions New York works to end hunger for every person and family across the state. NOEP is a critical part of our anti-hunger work. We are proud of the hard work that, year after year, connects thousands of New Yorkers to vital nutrition assistance through SNAP.