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Food Over Fear: Overcoming Barriers to Connect Latinx Immigrant Families to Federal Nutrition and Food Programs

By January 25, 2021No Comments

A new report from Food Research and Action Center and National Immigration Law Center finds immigrant families are forgoing vital nutrition programs – especially SNAP – amid the “chilling effect” of the revised public charge rule enacted in February 2020. Focus groups conducted with immigrant families revealed that over the past two years, many families stopped using SNAP and other nutrition programs – including WIC, school meals, and emergency food – due to immigration-related concerns.

Other barriers to program participation include inaccurate and/or inaccessible program information, language barriers, lack of transportation, stigma, discrimination, and fear of immigration enforcement actions in public settings such as government offices. Advocates can help mitigate these barriers by supporting policies that improve access and partnering with trusted messengers to provide accurate, accessible information and assistance.

Read the report at