New York State Combined Application Project (NYSCAP)
The New York State Combined Application Project (NYSCAP) automatically enrolls single Supplemental Security Income (SSI) live-alone recipients in SNAP.
For this population, separate SNAP applications, interviews, or verifications are not needed; the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) relies on information provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) through the State Data Exchange in order to generate a SNAP case. NYSCAP participants can use their existing Medicaid benefit cards to access their SNAP benefits.
Enrollees in NYSCAP will initially receive a minimum benefit level that can be as low as $23. However, by filling out and returning the NYSCAP Statewide SNAP Case Information Collection Sheet (LDSS-4841) included with their NYSNIP/NYSCAP opening notice (and available below), benefits may be adjusted up to the maximum SNAP benefit level—as high as $292.
New SNAP recipients under NYSCAP must redeem their SNAP benefits within the first 90 days of the auto-enrollment. This means that they must use their EBT card at a local SNAP vendor to purchase food. If the redemption of SNAP benefits does not occur in 90 days, the SNAP Office automatically closes the NYSCAP case, and the SNAP benefits will be removed and may not be restored.
Learn more in our NYSCAP guide.