Fighting Hunger in New York State
SNAP and the Farm Bill
The Farm Bill is a comprehensive piece of legislation that sets federal policies governing food and agriculture programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Millions of New Yorkers rely on Farm Bill nutrition programs like SNAP to access healthy food to feed themselves and their families.
Congress reauthorizes the Farm Bill every five years. With the current bill expiring on September 30 and the reauthorization process for the 2023 Farm Bill underway, SNAP stakeholders have a critical opportunity to advocate for policies that protect and strengthen SNAP. To ensure all New Yorkers can get the food they need, Congress must pass a Farm Bill that expands equitable access to SNAP and ensures benefit adequacy.
SNAP in NYS: Who Benefits
SNAP is our nation’s largest and most effective anti-hunger program. It helps people vulnerable to hunger afford more food and also frees up household resources for other basic needs such as rent, medical care, and utilities. SNAP is a proven program that reduces hunger, improves health, responds to crisis, supports work, and lifts millions of people out of poverty while bolstering local economies.
In New York, SNAP Helps:
685,000 seniors
42% of SNAP households in NY include a senior.
966,000 low-wage workers
78% of eligible people in working poor households received SNAP.
57,000 veterans
SNAP helps vets purchase nutritious food.
310,000 adults under 60 with disabilities
21% of SNAP households in NY include a person with a disability.
851,000 children
29% of SNAP households in NY include children.
685,000 seniors
42% of SNAP households in NY include a senior.
966,000 low-wage workers
78% of eligible people in working poor households received SNAP.
57,000 veterans
SNAP helps vets purchase nutritious food.
310,000 adults under 60 with disabilities
21% of SNAP households in NY include a person with a disability.
851,000 children
29% of SNAP households in NY include children.
685,000 seniors
42% of SNAP households in NY include a senior.
Take Action
You can make a difference in the fight against hunger. Join us in urging Congress to protect and strengthen SNAP and support the 2.9 million New Yorkers who rely on it to put food on the table by firmly rejecting all cuts and harmful changes to this vital program.
Here’s how to get involved:
- Stay informed and learn about opportunities to take action—sign up for Farm Bill action alerts.
- Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and share our SNAP posts and stories on your social networks.
- Create your own posts about the benefits of SNAP and tag with #SNAPMatters.
Hunger Solutions New York
Protect and Strengthen SNAP in the Farm Bill—statewide data sheet
SNAP in NYS Factsheet—with Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Food and Research Action Center
2023 Farm Bill Priorities
SNAP/Farm Bill 118th Congress SNAP Bills
Press release: More than 1,400 Organizations Sign Letter Calling on Congress to Protect and Strengthen SNAP
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
Report: Families, Older People in Every State at Risk Under Proposed SNAP Rule That Would Take Food Away for Not Meeting Work Requirements—includes NYS data
Videos: SNAP and Medicaid Work for Workers – Interviews With Pittsburgh Workers