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Hunger Solutions New York is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating hunger.

Formed in 1985, Hunger Solutions New York strives to maximize participation in, and support for, federally funded nutrition assistance programs including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program, the Summer Food Service Program, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), and the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

We Understand Hunger.

We focus our efforts on the most vulnerable populations, including children, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities. We listen to and learn from the people we serve.

We Serve Those in Need.

We manage the Nutrition Outreach and Education Program. This program provides community-based outreach, education, and one-on-one assistance to help potentially eligible New Yorkers apply for SNAP. All services are free and confidential. We are also a partner in SNAP Help Long Island, which focuses on Long Island-based SNAP outreach and assistance.

We Inform Public Policy.

We advocate for policies and legislation to improve nutrition assistance programs at local, state, and federal levels. In consultation with federal and state administering agencies, partner organizations, and local providers, we develop public policy recommendations to reduce hunger in New York State.

We are a Resource.

We consult with, train, and provide resources to organizations, agencies, and individuals to help improve the effectiveness of their anti-hunger efforts. We help summer meals sponsors, childcare providers, and enrichment programs maximize efforts to provide low-income children with nutritious meals and snacks. We work one-on-one with public schools to enhance the scope of their breakfast and lunch programs. We provide training and assistance to community service providers, to ensure eligible people are accessing nutrition assistance programs.

We Educate Policy Makers and the Public.

We provide the public, community leaders, policy makers, elected officials, educators and human service providers with information about federally funded nutrition assistance programs.

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