More New York schools will now be able to provide free meals to all students at no cost.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has lowered the eligibility threshold for CEP from 40 percent to 25 percent. This federal change, combined with the CEP State Subsidy, is a critical step in New York’s expansion of free school meals. Now, approximately 700 additional schools will be eligible to leverage CEP and tap into the CEP State Subsidy.
About the CEP State Subsidy
The enacted FY2024 State Budget included an additional $134.6M to expand access to free school meals through the new Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) State Subsidy. CEP is a federal option that allows high poverty schools to offer free meals to all students. The CEP State Subsidy ensures all CEP meals are reimbursed at the “free rate”, allowing all eligible New York schools to provide free meals to all students while alleviating the financial burden.
To receive this new funding, schools must be enrolled in CEP. Eligible, but unenrolled schools must be approved to participate in CEP by the State Education Department (SED).
CEP applications are accepted until December 15, 2023
NYSED is now accepting applications for schools to adopt or expand CEP mid-year. We encourage schools to apply as soon as possible. Applications will be approved on a rolling basis. Once approved, schools will be able to implement CEP starting the following month. Applications for CEP are accepted until December 15, 2023.
If your school does not already offer free meals to all students, please consider:
- Assessing your school district’s potential eligibility to adopt or expand CEP.
- Applying for CEP or expanding CEP to other schools in your district.
Need help? We provide assistance to schools at no cost. Reach out to with questions.
NEW Resource: Template Presentation
Use this template presentation to make the case for CEP in your district. Customize with your own district’s data to drive home your pitch.
Summer 2023 CEP Webinars
Hunger Solutions New York and No Kid Hungry New York hosted a webinar series for schools to ensure all CEP-eligible schools can maximize this new state subsidy in the upcoming school year. View the recordings and slides below.
Note: These webinars were held prior to the CEP rule change that lowered the eligibility threshold from 40% to 25%. Any references to this summer’s CEP application process or eligibility at 40% are now outdated, however all other aspects of CEP eligibility, enrollment, and implementation remain the same.
Tips for Communicating with Families about Free School Meals
View the recording and slides
Marketing your school meal programs is a key strategy for increasing participation. Learn how to effectively communicate with families about the availability of free school meals and the importance of submitting household income forms while meals are free.
Maximize the New CEP State Subsidy with Strategic Grouping
View the recording and slides
Learn how strategic grouping with MealsCount—a powerful tool to help schools optimize CEP applications—can help you maximize the new state CEP subsidy.
CEP State Subsidy: Get Your Questions Answered by SED
View the recording and slides
The NY State Education Department (SED), Child Nutrition Program Administration, joined us for a 30 minute Q&A session on the new CEP State Subsidy.
Building Buy-in for CEP with School Leadership
View the recording and slides
Cultivate strong support for your program by learning how to communicate the basics of adopting community eligibility and how offering free meals to all students supports broader educational goals.
Maximizing Participation Under CEP
View the recording and slides
CEP offers streamlined counting and claiming to make it easier to implement innovative programming like Breakfast After the Bell. Maximizing participation can strengthen your programs while also feeding more kids. Learn how to leverage best practices to make the most out of CEP.
Our CEP Newsletter
Our CEP newsletter offers support to schools applying for and implementing CEP in the upcoming 2023-2024 school year. To receive this newsletter, which includes updates, new resources and webinars about mid-year implementation, please contact
Catch up on the previous newsletters:
- Gathering Data for Your 2023-2024 School Year CEP Application–July 12, 2023
- Get Ready to Apply for CEP to Provide Free School Meals to All Students—June 29, 2023
- Engage Your School Leadership to Prioritize Student Access to School Meals—June 23, 2023
- Apply for CEP to Provide Free School Meals to All Students in SY 2023-2024—June 16, 2023
Not a school? Here’s how you can help!
Act now: spread the word that more schools will be able to provide school meals at no cost this school year.
The New York State Education Department (SED) is now accepting applications for schools to adopt CEP mid-year. SED has released guidance on the expansion of CEP in NYS, which includes a list of potentially eligible schools.
Use this template language to communicate with schools that may be eligible to enroll in CEP mid-year. Please know that Hunger Solutions New York is a resource; we can work one-on-one with schools to help them determine eligibility for CEP and submit their application.