WIC provides pregnant women, new and breastfeeding moms, and children under age five with healthy food, breastfeeding support, nutrition education, and referrals to other helpful services.
The Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides monthly food benefits that can be redeemed at approximately 2,800 authorized retail food vendors statewide. WIC benefits are given on an easy-to-use eWIC card that works like a debit card.
WIC moms and kids get $26-$52/month each to buy fruits and veggies!
That's 3-4 times more than before!
442,947 infants, children, and pregnant mothers receive benefits from WIC. (NYSDOH, 2024)
Only 45.9% of estimated eligible women, infants and children participate in WIC. (NYSDOH, 2023)
Young Children
Only 42% of eligible young children age 1-4 participate in WIC, compared to 62.9% of eligible infants. (NYSDOH, 2023)
Every Dollar Invested
Every dollar invested in WIC saves an estimated $2.48 in medical, educational, and productivity costs. (NWA, 2024)
WIC Eligibility
Women may be eligible for WIC if they are:
- Pregnant
- A mother of a baby up to 6 months old
- A mother of a breastfeeding baby up to 12 months old
- Have a child under age 5
To get WIC, a mother and/or her child must:
- Meet age and other eligibility requirements
- Live in New York State
- Have an income below a certain threshold or get benefits from Medicaid, SNAP or TANF
Note: Primary caregivers can apply for WIC benefits for a child in their care, if the child is under age 5.
Benefits of participation
Food insecurity in infancy and early childhood can have long-term health impacts. WIC participation is associated with healthier births, improved birth weights, reduced risk of infant mortality, better infant-feeding practices, more nutritious diets, better access to primary and preventive health care, healthier neighborhood food environments, and improved cognitive development and academic achievement in childhood.
WIC Outreach Resource Center

Promote the benefits of WIC! Find outreach materials to use in your community here.
Learn more: USDA WIC, NYS WIC program
We can help
We can provide you with WIC outreach materials, program information, and ways to help promote WIC in your communities. Contact Misha Marvel, Manager, Early Childhood Nutrition Policy & Engagement, for assistance.
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